Was surfing around and came across this posting for:
Herbal Asthma Tea
This blogger states that this tea concoction helps with her asthma.
Some of the ingredients are:
Lemon Verbena: known for stopping wheezing.
Skull cap: is good for respiratory health.
Chamomile: It’s a relaxant, anti-allergenic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.
Caffeine: Suposedly has a effect on asthma.
Here is the Recipe on the site
Asthma Tea
1 part of each in dried herb form - Chamomile flowers, Passionflower, and Echinacea Root
1/2 part each in dried herb form - Licorice root, Elecampane root, and lemon verbena leaves.
Not sure if this all works but check the site to see what you think.
How Does Anxiety Impact My Asthma?
2 hours ago
We could probably make a list of whacky respiratory therapies.
Amazing the things people come up with right.
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Fantastic information! I'm going to print this out and put it up in the kitchen.
Thank you for such a great blog!
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Herbal remedies for asthma are with out any side effects. There is no cure for asthma but there are natural and herbal ways of preventing or controlling an asthma attack.
Nice sharing friend.I hope it will help most of the people suffering from asthma.
Nice tip on herbal asthma tea. It will help those with asthma problem. This article is very interesting. Herbal products can really help a lot in asthma attack. Herbal products are now the most popular remedy for any illness now. It is good to know that it is already available online.
Fantastic post I enjoyed reading your information.
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It is better to deal with this subject like you did instead of beating around the bush. I always like direct articles. Good job dude
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Herbal products are now the most popular remedy for any illness now. It is good to know that it is already available online.
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